Friday, December 18, 2009

Reflections Post: Weeks 13 & 14, Overall

Reflection Week 13:
So this week our big thing was a tour of Goodwill on the west side of Duluth.  I have visited this store many many times, to donate items, and to shop.  Being a college students and having so many thrift stores in Duluth is awesome.  I love finding cool used stuff, and paying next to nothing for it.  This field trip was so much different though than any other time I have been there.  Driving up to the store I looked at it like I always do because its such a HUGE building but it never actually crossed my mind as to what goes on in the rest of the building.  It was amazing to take a tour of the entire place and see all the stuff that actually goes on!  I felt like one of the more educated people on the topic of goodwill, which was kinda cool.  I always knew that they provided a jobs to the mentally disabled, and that they are non-profit.  The mattress thing blew my mind.  The fact that they take goods that no one wants and are 1 step away from going to a landfill, and then have some guy from the Twin Ports area design a machine to compress old mattresses into a 2x2x2 brick that they can sell is awesome.
On Wednesday I did my final post for my SMART goal, overall I am super stoked on how I did.  My goal to eat red meat only once a week proved to be a lot easier than I thought, and also over the course of this class I have a completely new outlook on food.  I am taking small steps toward become a nutritionally sound person.  Next things on my list, cut out the alcohol, and hopefully have some type of a garden this summer!  Eating less red meat, and getting my proteins from other more eco-friendly sources will always be going on in my life.
Friday I did my final post the Read 'n' Seed.  All in all the book wasn't bad, I struggled with the style of writing the author used.  When picking out books I should have looked at some less "scientific" ones.
Week 14:
Monday we had our last class :'(.  I'm not even being an ass kisser when I say this is one of the best classes I have ever taken.   You know going to college and taking all these stupid generals that no one is actually passoinate to learn about.  Its refreshing to learn life lessons in class, and not some stiff blabbing at you with a powerpoint straight out of your extremely over priced textbook.  We all brought in our junk projects and there was so many cool ideas!
Wednesday, I did my other group members Online learning activity and learned about the negative effects smoking has on people's health, and how it discourages them from exercising.  I also learned about some Water sanitation issues from around the world, and how the gov't can control what consumers buy so much, that they can damage farmers business by just saying there is a possibility of contamination of a certain crop.

So today is my last post.  Did all the share and voices, eye openers, junk projects, blogging and all the other stuff for the semester.  Which I feel like I learned from definitely.  My favorite parts of the class had to be the documentaries.  They were very eye opening and just kind of inspire me to be a better person and take action on issues.  It also makes me want to be a more educated person on things so that I can in turn educate others.  Which is exactly what the makers of documentaries are trying to do, is create a chain reaction in us, and to be completely honest I probably would have never watched any of those if they hadn't been shown to me in this class.  So now that I had all this information conveniently presented to me I will take it as my responsibility to get it out there to others throughout my life.  This class has honestly changed my life.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Eye Opener: Online Learning Activities

1. Abby's Earth Experiment Learning Activity-

"For this activity you will need a straw.  A cocktail straw is best, but you could also grab a straw from the food court if you don't have one on hand at home.  Here's how you begin:
1. Breath through the straw for 30 seconds.  Has breathing become harder?  How much more restricted do your airways feel?
2. Take away the straw and recognize how easy it is to breath again.  Did you immediately desire to gasp for a deep breath?
3. For 1 minute either run in place or do jumping jacks.
4. Immediately following that minute breath through the straw for as long as possible.  How long did you last before gasping for air? Did you notice how such a little amount of exercise made breathing so difficult?"

So the only straw I could find in my house was one of those REALLY long stiff ones that goes into those $15 water bottles you buy at Valley Fair when you're dying of thirst and the disposable ones are like $7.50 so you decide to splurge and get the one you can refill!  I don't know if this worked for, or against me... Breathing through it was not very fun in the first place because I have a fear of suffocating.  Then I ran up and down my stairs 6 times! Woah, trying to breathe out of then was like... well I guess it was like breathing out of a straw after running up and down your stairs 6 times, not cool!
Being one of those darn ex-smokers I can totally relate to this... I started smoking at very young ago socially, and whenever I would be snowboarding and think I was all cool on the chairlift having a cig then try to hike up the park afterwards I could definitely tell that I was killing my lungs!  So I have actually done this experiment in life, which is kinda like a slap in the face... some of the things you do when you're young and dumb.

2. Danielle's Discoveries Online Learning Activity
  For Danielle's experiment she posted 3 videos and ask questions afterward that I was asked to respond to...
1. After seeing this video, how do you feel about the fact that this whole European program, creating better sanitation for all, is developed and carried out by women?
     I feel very empowered to be a woman today... it is amazing how far we have come in advancing our statuses in the world, it doesn't surprise me though that woman are behind advocacy for sanitation though.  We tend to be more clean and worry about "less important" things like this!
2. The 2nd video didn't work for me... :/
But after watching the 2nd video about the tomato farmer's losing all that money from the E. Coli scare it just reminds me about how much trust people put in our gov't... so many people put their responsibilities and trust in the hands of the gov't so when they say "don't eat tomatoes" it takes those farmers a long time to recover from an incident like that.  The worst part is that it wasn't even the tomatoes that were causing the problem, it was the jalapenos.  I can understand why those farmers would be upset and why they expected reimbursement!


Monday, December 14, 2009

Share and Voice: Virtual Eco Mall

So since taking this class I have started trying to incorporate more "green" products into my life.  Being that it is Christmas why not spread the good idea around by buying eco-friendly gifts for my friends and family.  While looking around online I found this cool website  It's like a big databases of different types of stores and places to get certain products you're looking for without harming the environment.  They have links to everything from solar powered products to aromatherapy to yoga.  Hope you guys find some stuff to! 


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Advocacy Project: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Learning Activity

Purpose: To educate others on the negative effects of Fetal Alchohol Syndrome has on the lives of the people with it and the people involved with them.
Most of the features of FAS are variable. They may or may not be present in a given child. However, the most common features of FAS involve the growth, performance, intelligence, head and face, skeleton, and heart of the child.
Growth and birth weights are minimal.  Retardation of height growth is evident on the measurements of length in infancy and of standing height later in childhood. The growth lag is permanent.
Performance is impaired. The FAS infant is irritable. The older FAS child is hyperactive. Fine motor skills are impaired with weak grasp, poor eye-hand coordination, and tremors.
Intelligence is diminished. The average IQ is in the 60s. The face is characteristic with short eye openings , sunken nose bridge, short nose, flattening of the cheekbones and middle face, and smooth, thin upper lip.

Learning Activitiy Instructions:
Go to this website  and look the different physical characteristics of a child with F.A.S. and then state whether or not the children below have F.A.S. and answer the few short answers questions at the end.






1. One occasional drink during pregnancy is okay, especially towards the end to calm the mother's nerves, and aid in sleep.
True or False
2. A common birth defect in F.A.S. babies is having an abnormally short and crooked pinky.
True or False
3.  There is no known cure for F.A.S.
True or False
4. Preventing Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is not possible.
True or False
5. If the male has been consuming alcohol during conception, this puts the baby at risk for F.A.S.
True or False.

Whoever completes this exercise can just leave their answers in the comment box below and I will post the correct answers when both of my group members have done so.

See ya Monday!

Share and Voice: US Healthcare Reform

So the more and more I research this Healthcare Reform business the stronger I feel about it.  I have officially decided that I am in favor of "socialized" healthcare, because at least that means healthcare for everyone.  Yeah maybe half of America is undereducated and lazy, and yeah it really sucks that the people that work hard and make a living have to pay taxes to help those poor slugs pay for doctor exams, and ER visits.  But where would we be if it was every man, woman and child for themselves.... what other types of "socialist" things do we have in this country?! UMMMMMM a HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION, yep that costs money to,  but the fact that it is payed for by our taxes make it possible for underpriveleged people to at least get that far, and then we even give them grants if they choose to go to college.  So why is it so acceptable for society to pay for people to get an education but not cover the costs of chemotherapy, or heart surgery.  The United States Healthcare System is ranked #37 on the World Healthcare Organization.  They have healthcare-for-all type systems in so many other countries and the more research I do the more convenient and less hassling those type of systems seem.  So why such an uproar about this.... oh yes $$$$$ The health insurance companies and pharmaceutical tycoons will be doomed, what a bummer.

So here is link to all the current Reports on the Health Reform.

Lemme know what you all think!


Friday, December 11, 2009

Read 'n' Seed : Final review of "Exposed"


     Going over the 4 sections of my book I would sum up the 1st part as introducing (on global scale) the world its progress in becoming more environmentally friendly and repairing the damage we've already done.  Europe is obviously the international leader in implementing "green" laws and regulations on the products bought and sold in their countries.

     The 2nd session was more informative on the scientific infomation.  There was one whole chapter devoted to Phthalates, which is used in producing plastic and has been linked to causing infertility and causing malfunctions of the reproductive systems in men.
     The 3 sections was mainly stories about how these chemicals were affecting the lives of men, women and children.  They are everywhere and if our government doesn't start doing something about it there will be consequences.
     The fourth, and final quarter of my book is about our future.  The chapter opens up with the fact that our generation of educated, and intelligent students and young people don't even remember a time when the United States was a leader in being Green.
     When choosing a book I thought this one was one of the most interesting I could find... When I started reading it though I really didn't like it very much.   The author Mark Schapiro uses a lot of very technical terms and doesn't describe them in layman's terms (like how we've learned to do in class.)  The book really doesn't have a lot of personality, which is something I struggle with, I've always had problems reading my textbooks.  But once I started really reading and looking up some of the terms on my own the book became more and more interesting.   It really is quite the reality shock to learn about some of the chemicals that are in the everyday things around us and what they can do to our bodies.  Simple things like plastic water bottles to the furniture in your house can create reproductive problems.  Even the cosmetics you use can give you cancer.  It really makes a person question what the world is coming to, profit over health apparently.  The sad part is that the U.S. clearly knows about this and has not taken hardly any steps at all to look at other alternatives to these products like Europe has. 
     So all in all I am pleased that I chose this book and would recommend it to someone, but first I would tell them to make sure to have their computer so they can look up some of the terms. :/


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Eco Chic Lifestyle Change: Week Ten, Overall Reflection


My SMART goal for the past week of the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change project was:
"I will not eat any red meat for the week (7 days.)"

Successes & Challenges
So this weekend was Lutsen and Spirit Mt. opener, and since I really don't know a lot of girl snowboarders I go with my guy friends, there is maybe like 1 or 2 of them that actually care about the food that they eat.  The majority of them live off of Chinese take out, Ramen, and Jack's Pizzas.... pretty disgusting ha.  So me and 5 of my guy friends went up Friday night to Lutsen Mt.'s and had a little pre-season celebration in our condo, I think we went through about 4 frozen pizzas and 3 cases of beer.  Every weekend I spend with these guys I feel more and more like a man, and the shred season has only just begun.  It makes it really hard to follow my SMART goal when you're 
     a) low on groceries
     b) hanging out with people who eat REALLY unhealthy
     c) traveling
So I know over the weekend I had a couple slices of cheap pepperoni pizza, and then I had a venison burger on Sunday for dinner.


      I am disappointed in myself for not reaching my goal of eating no red meat for the week.  Although pertaining to the venison I feel okay about that.  For the future I would like to minimize "store bought meat" as much as possible, but stuff like venison and elk that has came from my family's hunting isn't necessarily unhealthy in moderation. 
What I Learned
How well I do when I at home or working, but then how all my previous ideas about how eating plans go out the window during the weekend and when I am traveling.

Plans for LIFE!
I may not be completely semi-vegetarian yet, and I may never be in my life.   But the more and more I learn about the negative effects of the cattle industry, the disadvantages of store bought red meat and how it effects health, the easier it has to become.  The more educated I become the more conscious the decisions are that I make about my food choices, and in turn feel more confident and healthy about what I am eating.  I am glad that I chose this SMART goal because it is something that I will continue for my entire life.

Pam :)
Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 10 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy.

Share and Voice: The 11th Hour

        This is the full length documentary released in 2007 was produced and narrated by Leonardo Dicaprio.  Global warming, deforestation, mass species extinction, and depletion of the oceans' habitats are all addressed. The film's premise is that the future of humanity is in jeopardy.
        The film proposes potential solutions to these problems by calling for restorative action by the reshaping and rethinking of global human activity through technology, social responsibility and conservation.

         I watched this video and found it very disturbing as well as eye opening.  I encourage anybody who sees this to watch it to!

"Global warming is not only the number one environmental challenge we face today, but one of the most important issues facing all of humanity ... We all have to do our part to raise awareness about global warming and the problems we as a people face in promoting a sustainable environmental future for our planet."
—Leonardo DiCaprio.
 Post Options

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Share and Voice: Recycling Do's and Dont's

So sometimes when I am recycling I get a little confused at to what's acceptable and how clean things need to be, so I googled and came up with a few of these sites....

hope this is helpful to someone, it was for me!


Monday, December 7, 2009

Advocacy Project: Letter to a Public Official

December 7, 2009
Senator Amy Klobuchar
United States Senate
302 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2304

Senator Amy Klobuchar,

     Hello, my name is Pamela Schmitt, I currently reside in Duluth, MN and attend the University of Minnesota Duluth.  I am writing this letter in regards to a bill that was introduced last January.  H.R.439 is bill to amend the current Public Health Service Act.  Mainly in regards to pregnant and parenting woman who are dealing with substance abuse.  The goal of the amendment being to reduce substance abuse among these types of individuals.

      This bill would provide more funding and improve the system in which we care for and treat non violent drug abusers.  Mothers and pregnant women need a different kind of professional attention then others and providing this would create a higher success rate in recovery.  Not to mention a reduction in miscarriage, birth defects, depression, STD's, and negative effects on the children's life.  Over 9 million women use illegal drugs every year in the U.S. (NIDA, 2006) and by doing so they increase their chances of having unprotected sex, and conceiving under the influence.

      I believe the implementation of this policy will allow for a positive change in many American lives. This policy will provide appropriate actions to protect the health of women and their children. 
 Not to mention lower the use of illegal drugs and all of its pollution is causes in the lives of its abusers.  Minnesota is not immune to any of these problems and I would hope that you think about that if you do ever get to vote on this bill.  From all the implants we get and even 10th generation Minnesotan's, we are having problems with these problems,  Meth, Crack/Cocaine, and prescription medications are all destroying communities and homes in our great state.  

     So as one of the citizens who voted for you I would like to stress it one final time how important a bill like this is to society.  All of the people that voted for you entrust that you will do what is right to protect and improve society.  Please vote YES on H.R.439.

Thank you for your time.

Pamela Schmitt

(contact information)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Reflections Post: Weeks 11 & 12

Week 11
For week 11 we started off class by splitting up and developing definitions for Environmental Literacy, and 2 other things.... :/ ha can't really remember what they were.  We divided up into 3 different groups and each took one term.  Dr. V told us that we had to make the definition understandable to a 10 year old.  Which made it a little difficult.  So when we looked at what each group had to say about their term in the 1st round, they were all kind of broad and using big words, the 2nd round some of them got a little better, and for the most part the 3rd ones were the best, they were a little more specific and in simpler terms.  We then watched The Story of Stuff narrated by Annie Leonard.  She did an excellent job at making the waste industry and process of buying and disposing material goods so simple.  People just never think about those types of things though.  You need or want something, buy it, it breaks of becomes of no use to you and then you throw it away.  Well when 6 billion people are all doing this on one planet it piles up QUICK.  We then talked about our junking projects which I wasn't there for.

Week 12
This week we started off by learning how to do blog hops on McLinky, so now we can all be connected!  If the outside world does ever decide to read our sweet ass blogs for Environmental Health 3500.  Then we went over our photo essays, which everyones were so cool and interesting.  I really liked having everyone present their posts.  I get a chance to go outside my group every once in awhile but its so much better when the author presents the information straight to ya!... We then talked about our letters to an official or editor, and then our online learning projects.

The thing that stand out to me the most was the video we watched during week 11.  Annie Leonard did such a good job of explaining it and making people feel passionate about the issue.  Since taking this class I am just more aware of my actions and consequences.  The growth I have gone through environmentally makes me feel so much more positive about myself, and I am confident when I educate the uneducated on the issues we have been learning about. 


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eco Chic Lifestyle Change: Week Nine

Gobble Gobble, Happy Thanksgiving (our turkey!)


My SMART goal for the past week of the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change project was:
"I will eat only 1 serving (1 serving=4 oz.) of red meat per week (seven days) or less"

Successes & Challenges
OH BOY!  Thankgiving= Epic Fail at my goal.  There was so much food at my family Thanksgiving it wasn't even funny.  I haven't been eating too much for the last few weeks (when I had the piggy flu.)  But now that I feel better, my appetite came back... big bummer, and I ate like a HORSE it was kind of disgusting actually.  I didn't eat breakfast on thanksgiving at we had a really late dinner to accommodate a few family members, so when 2 o'clock came around I was starving.  My aunt brought a ridiculous amount of H'orderves so cocktail weinies and meatballs, and dips and such were plentiful and I definitely over did it.  Then I had a piece of ham and turkey.  So my goal was not even close to being reached this week... :


I kinda feel like I didn't even try to not eat as much red meat, but I guess doing it like that a few times a year isn't too bad.  I don't really feel that guilty about it, but I would like to live a lifestyle in a more consistent way I guess.

What I Learned
When you're hungry you're hungry, and my family is not very understanding about my goal.  But when I explained it to my dad that I am just trying to eat processed store bought red meat he totally got it, then he told me i'm slowly turning into a "dred lock having, vegan, granola eating hippie."  Whatever I guess haha.

Plans for Next Week

For this upcoming week, I am changing my SMART goal to make up for the fail last week:
"I will not eat any red meat for the week (7 days.)"

Pam :)
Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 9 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Share and Voice: Sicko

            So lately I have been feeling pretty uneducated about the Healthcare Reform that is going on in our Government today.  I have been doing some things to figure out my stance on the issue and recently watched the documentary "Sicko" by Michael Moore.  Obviously this movie is biased and leans toward the liberal side, but I like Michael Moore's movies and think they are very researched yet he puts a sarcastically American humor into them.  The movie basically talks about how 50 million of the 300 million Americans have no health insurance and how this effects people.  Some of our government officials tell us how bad this could end up because we will have "socialized" healthcare.  We will end up like Socialist countries like Soviet Union and this would be terrible because doctors won't be able to choose where they want to practice, and people will DIE waiting for procedures and surgeries to be performed on them. 
            So Michael Moore went to a few countries with this so called "Socialist" healthcare like Canada and Great Britain.  He talked to people in hospitals, people he knew, people on the street, people who e-mailed him there stories.  They all are disgusted with our system, and that people are turned away and die because of being denied for procedures, or people that have their lives ruined by medical debt.  Living, and having fingers reattached, and cancer treatment shouldn't have a price on it if it doesn't have to. 
            It was also VERY interesting to here from some former CEO's of multi-billion dollars Health Insurance companies who talked about spending the rest of their lives guilt stricken with the deaths they've caused just to save money for their company.  My problem with these companies is that they are using our health problems to make a profit and do so by denying coverage to people in need......
            That is all I am going to say because I feel like I could go on forever!  Lemme know you're guys' opinion on the matter!


Monday, November 30, 2009

Eye Opener: Photo Essay

So I really wasn't sure what to do, and I won't lie I am doing this a little last minute..... but I am very happy with what I got!  I decided to go to all the different areas of my house and find stuff that I am doing to at least make steps towards becoming the most pro-environment I can be!

Starting off in the kitchen... my favorite room :)

There is NO excuse not to recycle! :)

Instead of throwing these containers away I put my thanksgiving leftovers in em'!

The family I nanny for has a chicken coop, so I get organic, free range chicken eggs, fo FREE...pretty sweet I know!

local wild rice, for my chicken wild rice soup.

some Green Beans from the garden, freshly frozen.

Venison, a very healthy alternative to Beef, and processed in my parents garage!

Dawn is definitely not the best dish soap for the environment, but at least we're saving the seals ;)

still not the best, but getting there.

I got all of these cool bottles and candles at Goodwill, finding sweet recycled stuff for the house was what I did all summer!

this is my roommates end table, she took it apart and grouted and tiled it, pretty sweet junking huh?!

our kickass love seat from Salvation Army!
we keep it pretty cool in our humble abode, saves on $$$$ and propane.

smoking is a nasty habit, but instead of people tossing them all over our lawn when we have shin digs, they are asked to put them in the fancy shmansy receptacle.

my roommates sweet "Fitger's Growler" design she did for a class, then turned into a little corner decoration.

hang your towels up kids, that way you use the same one for a week or so and save some water. :)

pretty sweet laundry basket from TJ Maxx, made outta old magazines.

you should recycle in your bedroom to, not JUST the kitchen....(those are my roommates plastic water bottles! I promise.)

My mom recycled this bag to me over thanksgiving, can't decide if it's stylin, or not.  What do you think?

pile of clothes waiting to go to Goodwill!

saving plastic,and supporting breast cancer research all right next to my bed :)


kittens make people happy, and happy people are less likely to do bad things, which is why I think Whitney is environmentally friendly.

an old cloth shower curtain, that I cut in half and turned into curtains for my windows!

some homemade art on the wall in my room.

cabinet I made in High School shop out of solid oak, It will last forever and doesn't have harmful plastics and chemicals in it like cheap store bought ones. (DVD's not environmentally friendly :( )

I use my snowboard to appreciate the white fluffly stuff mother nature makes for me to ride on!

Homemade headwear, thanks for watching folks!

MckLinky Blog Hop

Friday, November 27, 2009

Read 'n' Seed : 4th Quarter of "Exposed"

Chapters and Pages
 Chapter 9  Pages 178-198

Chapter 9:The New Diplomats, Powers and Pitfalls
Main Topics n My Opinion

Chapter 9 is the final chapter of my book. Going over the first 3 sections of my book I would sum up the first part as introducing (on global scale) the world its progress in becoming more environmentally friendly and repairing the damage we've already done.  Europe is obviously the international leader in implementing "green" laws and regulations on the products bought and sold in their countries.
The second session was more informative on the scientific infomation.  There was one whole chapter devoted to Phthalates, which is used in producing plastic and has been linked to causing infertility and causing malfunctions of the reproductive systems in men.
The 3 sections was mainly stories about how these chemicals were affecting the lives of men, women and children.  They are everywhere and if our government doesn't start doing something about it there will be consequences.
Chapter 9
The fourth, and final quarter of my book is about our future.  The chapter opens up with the fact that our generation of educated, and intelligent students and young people don't even remember a time when the United States was a leader in being Green.  Every 2 years there is a poll in Europe as to whether the U.S. has a positive effect on the environment.  In 2004 40% said "yes", and in 2006 only 29% had the same answer.  What does this say on the image we are projecting to the rest of the world?  America has always been the greener grass on the other side, the land of oppurtuinty.  Now we are the laughing stock of the environmental segment, and this is highly due to greed, poor production regulations, and uneducated people not giving a second thought to the products they fill their homes with, prepare food with, or work around.
In order to secure a future without even higher cancer rates, skyrocketing fertility rates, and landfills upon landfills of disposable crap we need to rethink what we are doing to this world and start taking action like other countries around the world.  And it starts with YOU!  It is our responsibility to make our future, you can't leave that up to anyone else, no matter how unfair that seems. 


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Eco Chic Lifestyle Change: Week Eight


My SMART goal for the past week of the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change project was:
"I will eat only 1 serving (1 serving=4 oz.) of red meat per week (seven days) or less"

Successes & Challenges
For the last TWO weeks I have been sick.  I have almost absolutely no appetite and usually eat like two small meals a day.  This has been very good for my goal of eating one serving of red meat per week, because I hardly eat at all! But on Saturday me and my roommates had our second annual TURKEYPALOOZA, where we all get together and everyone brings a dish, and wine ;).  We play some music, all wear recycled clothing from Goodwill or Savers and hang out, eat, drink and have a great time.  So I had a small piece of ham on Saturday night, and that was my serving for the week.  The challenge for the upcoming week is going to be going home for ACTUAL Thanksgiving!


I would really love to NOT be sick anymore, so I went to the doc. and she just told me it will take awhile for my appetite to come back.  I have lost about 12 lbs. in the last 6 weeks, which isn't a very health rate.  But I fit into some jeans from high school which is a VERY good feeling.  It just seems to be coming easier and easier to not eat red meat.  Like the other day I was in the food court, and I was starving on my way to class.  I thought about grabbing some chicken strips, or a slice of pizza, and a milk or something.  But all the things we've been learning about meat, dairy and those things made me reconsider.  I got a V8, some pineapple, and almonds.

What I Learned
I don't need meat to feel full, and I can save a lot of calories and get a lot more nutrition from fruits, vegetables and grain most of the time.  I think I have lost weight due to the fact that I am making more conscious decisions about what I'm putting into my body. 

Plans for Next Week

For this upcoming week, I am keeping my SMART goal the same:
"I will eat only 1 serving (1 serving=4 oz.), or less, of red meat per week (7 days.)"

 My friend Skye, in her boyfriends new coat he found at Savers ;)


Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 8 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy

Monday, November 23, 2009

Advocacy Project: Issue Overview

  • For my issue/ problem I chose Substance Abuse, and for my objective I chose 26-7. Reduce intentional injuries resulting from alcohol- and illicit drug-related violence.
  • The current legislation I found that has been proposed to address issues of substance abuse is H.R.439

    Title: To amend the Public Health Service Act regarding residential treatment programs for pregnant and parenting women, a program to reduce substance abuse among nonviolent offenders, and for other purposes.
When someone is using drugs and alcohol and they turn violent it affects everyone around them.  Their friends family and coworkers.
  • Young children and spouses, and close family members are the most affected by violent actions of a loved one.
  • Whether it is a wife, husband, son, daughter, mother, father, brother or sister losing someone to substance is a very hard thing.
  • Noone is gaining anything by using drugs and alcohol and turning to violence.But by implementing this bill there would be more resources for the non violent users to seek out help.
Consequences of the issue...
  • The abuser will destroy many relationships in their life, and put their health in danger.
  • The families of an substance abuser may never forgive or forget the actions of their loved one when they were using.  The bill would help these families get help with getting off drugs and turning their lives around.
  • By providing more support for the nonviolent abusers we are doing a service to society by reducing the amount of people abusing drugs and alcohol, therefore encouraging others to stop as well.
Economic Impacts of the Issue....

  • The cost of a bill like this would be the funding for the support programs the bill would put into effect.  But, at the same time it would also be reducing costs in other areas.  When a low income substance abuser gets into a bar fight and goes to the hospital who do you think picks up the bill.... tax payers.
  • So the taxpayers could be putting their money towards prevention instead of cleaning up the aftermath of drug abusers.
Social Impacts of the Issue....
  • The social costs of the issue of substance abuse is the impact it has on the younger generation.  Violence at a young age can ruin a persons perception of right and wrong later in life.  It also takes its toll on adults involved as well.

  • The only people that could benefit from watching someone abuse drugs and alcohol are the ones who learn their lesson about using them and steer clear.  So a bill that would create more places for people with addiction problems would prevent and educate people about abuse.
  • A lot of people probably won't see the big picture of prevention and helping abusers and not like the idea of their tax money going to someone else's drug addiction problem.
  • Advocacy toward the issue.  Campaigns about helping those in need and the affects drug abuse has on innocent bystanders.
  • People with first hand experience to come forward and advocate for this bill, have them discuss the benefits of programs of this type.
  • Experts on the issue of drug abuse could also talk from a professional perspective on how something like this would benefit everyone involved from the abuser to the tax payers.
History of the Issue...
  • Duluth, MN has one of the most internationally recognized campaigns about preventing domestic abuse.  Minnesota is a very supportive state and I feel like our state would, for the majority, be in favor a bill like this, that would help out those in need.
  • Many rehabilitation centers and support centers have been established in the communities, but funding runs out eventually.
  • Hazelden a local foundation located at a few various locations around the metro has one of the highest success rates in the nation.  My freshmen year my roommate ended up going there for an alcohol problem, she has now been sober for 7 months.  But places like this are NOT cheap. So she had to fight with her insurance constantly to pay for her stay there. So a bill like the one would help people in need that maybe can't afford it.
Allies & Opponents
  • Allies: People that care about their struggling friends and family members.  Anyone with first hand experience, and someone who knows the benefits of supportive programs.
  • Opponents: People who think a person's financial burdens and personal problems are their own to deal with.
My Recommendation...
  • I am in support of this bill and I am a believer in the benefits of supportive programs and outreach to those in need.

 Me and my old roommate Savannah, who got the help she needed last year from Hazelden.  She is living proof of the benefits of these types of programs. :)


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Reflections Post: Weeks 9 & 10

Week 9
On Monday of Week 9, we dida active learning, by dividing the class into 3 groups.  We eached described 3 different parts of advocacy.  Our main topics was reasons why people don't advocate, and easy was to do better than you are currently doing.  Then we got ants on a log again, no complaints from me! :)  We also had an Advocacy Project post due which include our personal elected officials from our hometown mayor, to the President of the U.S.A.
On Wednesday I did my week 6 of the Eco-Chic Lifestyle change. Which I did not fully achieve that week.
and Friday I did the 3rd Quarter Read n Seed, which went a lot better than my 2nd one!  I am starting to like the book more and more.

Week 10
Monday of this week I was sick!  I am still sick!, and I am sick of being sick!  I did not go to class, and have yet to meet up with Dr. V and discuss what I missed.
Wednesday and I posted my week 7 of the Eco Chic Lifestyle Change,  I achieved my goal for the week, because I have been eating nothing but vegetable and chicken type soups.

We are starting to near the end of the semester and it's going to be time to register for me next week!  I am sad that this class will be over.  Its a change to be in a lecture that is engaging!  I feel like I taking so  much knowledge away from this class, and it is stuff that I will actually be using throughout my life. Which is why I am considering a minor in Health Education.  I wish there was such a thing as a minor in Community Health.  Because as I was looking at the classes pertaining to the minor I don't really know how much they would tie in.  Like Sex Education, etc.  seems geared more towards people that are going to be teachers.  We will see, still have to meet with my adviser. But either way this class is truly changing my life for the better.  I wish they could make this type of thing a category that must be filled.  Honestly when I signed up for this class it was because it was a recommended as a lib. ed., it sounded interesting but I may have never heard of it before if it wasn't for my advisor.  I think the name should be like LIFE CHANGING CLASS 3500.  Just to make it more noticable when picking out classes :).

See you all Monday,


Very yummy red meat-free salad I had on Tuesday :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Eco Chic Lifestyle Change: Week Seven


My SMART goal for the past week of the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change project was:
"I will eat only 1 serving (1 serving=4 oz.) of red meat per week (seven days) or less"

Successes & Challenges
Since about last Tuesday I have been sick with some type of virus.  I think it is some type of badass cold, that is about to turn into a sinus infection if I don't take care of it.  I have absolutely no appetite and have been living off soup and ice cream, which are the only two things that make my throat feel better.  I've had chicken noodle, chicken rice, vegetable, southwest vegetable, country vegetable, BUT no red meat for an entire week is what I am proud to boast about!


Wish that I had a better reason for not eating red meat.  The fact that I have hardly been eating at all has a lot to do with the fact I achieved my goal.

What I Learned
Your body can go up to 6-8 weeks without food and survive, BUT a couple days without water and you're a goner.  I've probably been eating 600-800 calories a day, and drinking about a gallon and a half of water per day.

Plans for Next Week

For this upcoming week, I am keeping my SMART goal the same:
"I will eat only 1 serving (1 serving=4 oz.), or less, of red meat per week (7 days.)"

Hoping to feel better soon!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 7 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy

Monday, November 16, 2009

Advocacy Project:Healthy People/THOMAS

1. Healthy People 2010 Goal of Interest
I chose to do my advocacy project on the Substance Abuse

 GOAL: Reduce substance abuse to protect the health, safety, and quality of life for all, especially children.
for my objective I chose:
 26-6. Reduce the proportion of adolescents who report that they rode, during the previous 30 days, with a driver who had been drinking alcohol.
In 1999 33 percent of students in grades 9 through 12 reported riding during the previous 30 days with a driver who had been drinking alcoholWith a Healthy People 2010 goal of reducing the percentage of 9-12 graders who rode with a driver under the influence in the past 30 days of 30%, we have already achieved this goal.
Looking at the disparities, the White Non-Hispanic group had the best rate towards the goal.
Males had the better rates when it came to improving this.  The African American group had the most disparity towards the goal at 11-50%.

 Opputunities and Challenges:
A big known risk dealing with substance abuse is the chance of getting an STD.  The group with the highest rates of this are  With this being known, many states require a certain amount of their Substance Abuse prevention funding for HIV prevention, testing and counseling.
Emerging Issues:  The abuse of drugs and alcohol among young people is a never ending battle.  The party scene in college seems to get more and more lucrative every year.  Alcohol abuse as an adolescent is a major pre-cursor for it to occur later in life as well, and a lot is being done to tackle this problem before it starts.  Another problem America's youth faces is the famous Methamphetamines , especially the rural areas, the use seems to be going down in recent years.  Meth seem like the urban areas alternative to Oxycodone, Oxycontin and other prescription painkillers, that are like expensive heroine. Prescription drug abuse is on the rise in young people and seems to be the newest fad.


Title: To amend the Public Health Service Act regarding residential treatment programs for pregnant and parenting women, a program to reduce substance abuse among nonviolent offenders, and for other purposes.

Sponsor: Rep Rehberg, Denny [MT] (introduced 1/9/2009)      Cosponsors (1)

Latest Major Action: 1/9/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

Recommendation: Vote Yes to H.R. 439 to amend the PHSA.

My Political Representative: Jim Oberstar

Friday, November 13, 2009

Read 'n' Seed : 3rd Quarter of "Exposed"

Chapters and Pages
 Chapter 6, 7  Pages 105-178

Chapter 6: Rise and Fall of the Machine
Chapter 7:Chemical Revolution
Main Topics n My Opinion

     Chapter 6 mainly talked about the pros and cons of technology.  What do you do with a printer or old television that has become obsolete and is no longer of any use to you.  You can either throw it away with your regular trash, properly recycle it, or give it to someone who could fix it or take all the useful parts.  Most people just end up throwing them away and buying another cheap-o.  This has serious consequences.  Schapiro talks about how 50% of used cell phones, televisions, and other throw away electronics are shipped to landfills in countries like Taiwan and China.  When studies on drinking water in these countries were done they had 10,000-24,000 times the amounts of Lead, Cadmium, and Mercury in their drinking water.
     It goes to show how stuff that we do in our country is not only hurting the united states, but our old iPods, Blackberry, and desktop computers and poisoning innocent people in other countries around the world.
     Chapter 7 is based around a story.  A story of the European Union choosing 112 woman from all over Europe to have their blood tested for chemicals.  In sets of 3, a grandmother, mother, and daughter all living in the same area.  These woman all had their blood all looked at and the results were shocking!  The grandmothers (who have spent the most time alive) had the highest amounts, with the largest being 63 different compounds in their blood.  The worst part of this story is that the next highest were the grandaughters!  The highest found in the age group was not far behind the grandmothers, 59.  With the mothers in the middle having the lowest amounts, with their highest being 49.
     This showing that kids in Europe are exposed to many different types of chemicals at a young age.  The sad part is that most of them are coming from toys, or all of the new technology invented to keep them "busy" like computers, cell phones, iPods, Barbies.  All of these things are actually leaching chemicals into our surroundings and the sad part is there is no where to put it all!  The end of the chapter gives a little philosophy.  All the risks we take like driving a car, smoking, drinking, microwaving our food in a plastic containers, its all dangerous and the more and more we fall into a lifestyle that is completely manufactures the less healthy our lives are.
How this affects me...
It makes me feel a lot more conscious about what I buy.  Sometimes when I have to buy stuff like a desk for my room, or a new DVD player cuz my old one shit out I usually go for the cheaper one.  Well the last time I went out and got a DVD player I decided to get a nice and little more pricey one.  I figure if I'm gonna get one I might as well get one that will last.  Or instead of buying a new iPod the next time mine malfunctions I'll make sure I get everything looked at before I buy another one, and I'll make sure I recycle it properly if it does come down to disposing of it.  It's scary to me how many things we as humans expose ourselves to everyday.  I feel like there is going to be tremendous consequences for all of this in the not so distant future, and it worries me that the majority of the world isn't even aware of most of this information.

Thought this quote from Luke Ramsey fit pretty well, and I borrowed from my friend Gus over at his amazing peek/stare blog-

Luke Ramsey

"People keep taking about how we’re destroying the world and then they continue to destroy the world. Don’t worry about 2012. It’s not about destruction, it’s about a shift in consciousness and a rebirth of love and understanding. There will be less testosterone and more estrogen. These religious nuts got it all messed up. It’s not about Armageddon, it’s about change, because Mother Nature needs it. Humans think we’re smart. We think too much. We need to start feeling more. There’s too much focus on technology and the future. Yes, technology is amazing, but we need to focus more on the now and embrace natural wonders. Like how cool is it that when we get cut – our skin heals. Or how amazing it is that when we plant a seed and give it water – it grows. Get fascinated by the simple things. Watching NASA send a missile to the moon and then Twittering about it on a cell phone, just doesn’t seem all that evolved. Choose love and light, because it feels good."
see ya guys monday!