Friday, November 27, 2009

Read 'n' Seed : 4th Quarter of "Exposed"

Chapters and Pages
 Chapter 9  Pages 178-198

Chapter 9:The New Diplomats, Powers and Pitfalls
Main Topics n My Opinion

Chapter 9 is the final chapter of my book. Going over the first 3 sections of my book I would sum up the first part as introducing (on global scale) the world its progress in becoming more environmentally friendly and repairing the damage we've already done.  Europe is obviously the international leader in implementing "green" laws and regulations on the products bought and sold in their countries.
The second session was more informative on the scientific infomation.  There was one whole chapter devoted to Phthalates, which is used in producing plastic and has been linked to causing infertility and causing malfunctions of the reproductive systems in men.
The 3 sections was mainly stories about how these chemicals were affecting the lives of men, women and children.  They are everywhere and if our government doesn't start doing something about it there will be consequences.
Chapter 9
The fourth, and final quarter of my book is about our future.  The chapter opens up with the fact that our generation of educated, and intelligent students and young people don't even remember a time when the United States was a leader in being Green.  Every 2 years there is a poll in Europe as to whether the U.S. has a positive effect on the environment.  In 2004 40% said "yes", and in 2006 only 29% had the same answer.  What does this say on the image we are projecting to the rest of the world?  America has always been the greener grass on the other side, the land of oppurtuinty.  Now we are the laughing stock of the environmental segment, and this is highly due to greed, poor production regulations, and uneducated people not giving a second thought to the products they fill their homes with, prepare food with, or work around.
In order to secure a future without even higher cancer rates, skyrocketing fertility rates, and landfills upon landfills of disposable crap we need to rethink what we are doing to this world and start taking action like other countries around the world.  And it starts with YOU!  It is our responsibility to make our future, you can't leave that up to anyone else, no matter how unfair that seems. 
