Friday, November 27, 2009

Read 'n' Seed : 4th Quarter of "Exposed"

Chapters and Pages
 Chapter 9  Pages 178-198

Chapter 9:The New Diplomats, Powers and Pitfalls
Main Topics n My Opinion

Chapter 9 is the final chapter of my book. Going over the first 3 sections of my book I would sum up the first part as introducing (on global scale) the world its progress in becoming more environmentally friendly and repairing the damage we've already done.  Europe is obviously the international leader in implementing "green" laws and regulations on the products bought and sold in their countries.
The second session was more informative on the scientific infomation.  There was one whole chapter devoted to Phthalates, which is used in producing plastic and has been linked to causing infertility and causing malfunctions of the reproductive systems in men.
The 3 sections was mainly stories about how these chemicals were affecting the lives of men, women and children.  They are everywhere and if our government doesn't start doing something about it there will be consequences.
Chapter 9
The fourth, and final quarter of my book is about our future.  The chapter opens up with the fact that our generation of educated, and intelligent students and young people don't even remember a time when the United States was a leader in being Green.  Every 2 years there is a poll in Europe as to whether the U.S. has a positive effect on the environment.  In 2004 40% said "yes", and in 2006 only 29% had the same answer.  What does this say on the image we are projecting to the rest of the world?  America has always been the greener grass on the other side, the land of oppurtuinty.  Now we are the laughing stock of the environmental segment, and this is highly due to greed, poor production regulations, and uneducated people not giving a second thought to the products they fill their homes with, prepare food with, or work around.
In order to secure a future without even higher cancer rates, skyrocketing fertility rates, and landfills upon landfills of disposable crap we need to rethink what we are doing to this world and start taking action like other countries around the world.  And it starts with YOU!  It is our responsibility to make our future, you can't leave that up to anyone else, no matter how unfair that seems. 


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Eco Chic Lifestyle Change: Week Eight


My SMART goal for the past week of the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change project was:
"I will eat only 1 serving (1 serving=4 oz.) of red meat per week (seven days) or less"

Successes & Challenges
For the last TWO weeks I have been sick.  I have almost absolutely no appetite and usually eat like two small meals a day.  This has been very good for my goal of eating one serving of red meat per week, because I hardly eat at all! But on Saturday me and my roommates had our second annual TURKEYPALOOZA, where we all get together and everyone brings a dish, and wine ;).  We play some music, all wear recycled clothing from Goodwill or Savers and hang out, eat, drink and have a great time.  So I had a small piece of ham on Saturday night, and that was my serving for the week.  The challenge for the upcoming week is going to be going home for ACTUAL Thanksgiving!


I would really love to NOT be sick anymore, so I went to the doc. and she just told me it will take awhile for my appetite to come back.  I have lost about 12 lbs. in the last 6 weeks, which isn't a very health rate.  But I fit into some jeans from high school which is a VERY good feeling.  It just seems to be coming easier and easier to not eat red meat.  Like the other day I was in the food court, and I was starving on my way to class.  I thought about grabbing some chicken strips, or a slice of pizza, and a milk or something.  But all the things we've been learning about meat, dairy and those things made me reconsider.  I got a V8, some pineapple, and almonds.

What I Learned
I don't need meat to feel full, and I can save a lot of calories and get a lot more nutrition from fruits, vegetables and grain most of the time.  I think I have lost weight due to the fact that I am making more conscious decisions about what I'm putting into my body. 

Plans for Next Week

For this upcoming week, I am keeping my SMART goal the same:
"I will eat only 1 serving (1 serving=4 oz.), or less, of red meat per week (7 days.)"

 My friend Skye, in her boyfriends new coat he found at Savers ;)


Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 8 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy

Monday, November 23, 2009

Advocacy Project: Issue Overview

  • For my issue/ problem I chose Substance Abuse, and for my objective I chose 26-7. Reduce intentional injuries resulting from alcohol- and illicit drug-related violence.
  • The current legislation I found that has been proposed to address issues of substance abuse is H.R.439

    Title: To amend the Public Health Service Act regarding residential treatment programs for pregnant and parenting women, a program to reduce substance abuse among nonviolent offenders, and for other purposes.
When someone is using drugs and alcohol and they turn violent it affects everyone around them.  Their friends family and coworkers.
  • Young children and spouses, and close family members are the most affected by violent actions of a loved one.
  • Whether it is a wife, husband, son, daughter, mother, father, brother or sister losing someone to substance is a very hard thing.
  • Noone is gaining anything by using drugs and alcohol and turning to violence.But by implementing this bill there would be more resources for the non violent users to seek out help.
Consequences of the issue...
  • The abuser will destroy many relationships in their life, and put their health in danger.
  • The families of an substance abuser may never forgive or forget the actions of their loved one when they were using.  The bill would help these families get help with getting off drugs and turning their lives around.
  • By providing more support for the nonviolent abusers we are doing a service to society by reducing the amount of people abusing drugs and alcohol, therefore encouraging others to stop as well.
Economic Impacts of the Issue....

  • The cost of a bill like this would be the funding for the support programs the bill would put into effect.  But, at the same time it would also be reducing costs in other areas.  When a low income substance abuser gets into a bar fight and goes to the hospital who do you think picks up the bill.... tax payers.
  • So the taxpayers could be putting their money towards prevention instead of cleaning up the aftermath of drug abusers.
Social Impacts of the Issue....
  • The social costs of the issue of substance abuse is the impact it has on the younger generation.  Violence at a young age can ruin a persons perception of right and wrong later in life.  It also takes its toll on adults involved as well.

  • The only people that could benefit from watching someone abuse drugs and alcohol are the ones who learn their lesson about using them and steer clear.  So a bill that would create more places for people with addiction problems would prevent and educate people about abuse.
  • A lot of people probably won't see the big picture of prevention and helping abusers and not like the idea of their tax money going to someone else's drug addiction problem.
  • Advocacy toward the issue.  Campaigns about helping those in need and the affects drug abuse has on innocent bystanders.
  • People with first hand experience to come forward and advocate for this bill, have them discuss the benefits of programs of this type.
  • Experts on the issue of drug abuse could also talk from a professional perspective on how something like this would benefit everyone involved from the abuser to the tax payers.
History of the Issue...
  • Duluth, MN has one of the most internationally recognized campaigns about preventing domestic abuse.  Minnesota is a very supportive state and I feel like our state would, for the majority, be in favor a bill like this, that would help out those in need.
  • Many rehabilitation centers and support centers have been established in the communities, but funding runs out eventually.
  • Hazelden a local foundation located at a few various locations around the metro has one of the highest success rates in the nation.  My freshmen year my roommate ended up going there for an alcohol problem, she has now been sober for 7 months.  But places like this are NOT cheap. So she had to fight with her insurance constantly to pay for her stay there. So a bill like the one would help people in need that maybe can't afford it.
Allies & Opponents
  • Allies: People that care about their struggling friends and family members.  Anyone with first hand experience, and someone who knows the benefits of supportive programs.
  • Opponents: People who think a person's financial burdens and personal problems are their own to deal with.
My Recommendation...
  • I am in support of this bill and I am a believer in the benefits of supportive programs and outreach to those in need.

 Me and my old roommate Savannah, who got the help she needed last year from Hazelden.  She is living proof of the benefits of these types of programs. :)
