Friday, December 11, 2009

Read 'n' Seed : Final review of "Exposed"


     Going over the 4 sections of my book I would sum up the 1st part as introducing (on global scale) the world its progress in becoming more environmentally friendly and repairing the damage we've already done.  Europe is obviously the international leader in implementing "green" laws and regulations on the products bought and sold in their countries.

     The 2nd session was more informative on the scientific infomation.  There was one whole chapter devoted to Phthalates, which is used in producing plastic and has been linked to causing infertility and causing malfunctions of the reproductive systems in men.
     The 3 sections was mainly stories about how these chemicals were affecting the lives of men, women and children.  They are everywhere and if our government doesn't start doing something about it there will be consequences.
     The fourth, and final quarter of my book is about our future.  The chapter opens up with the fact that our generation of educated, and intelligent students and young people don't even remember a time when the United States was a leader in being Green.
     When choosing a book I thought this one was one of the most interesting I could find... When I started reading it though I really didn't like it very much.   The author Mark Schapiro uses a lot of very technical terms and doesn't describe them in layman's terms (like how we've learned to do in class.)  The book really doesn't have a lot of personality, which is something I struggle with, I've always had problems reading my textbooks.  But once I started really reading and looking up some of the terms on my own the book became more and more interesting.   It really is quite the reality shock to learn about some of the chemicals that are in the everyday things around us and what they can do to our bodies.  Simple things like plastic water bottles to the furniture in your house can create reproductive problems.  Even the cosmetics you use can give you cancer.  It really makes a person question what the world is coming to, profit over health apparently.  The sad part is that the U.S. clearly knows about this and has not taken hardly any steps at all to look at other alternatives to these products like Europe has. 
     So all in all I am pleased that I chose this book and would recommend it to someone, but first I would tell them to make sure to have their computer so they can look up some of the terms. :/


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Eco Chic Lifestyle Change: Week Ten, Overall Reflection


My SMART goal for the past week of the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change project was:
"I will not eat any red meat for the week (7 days.)"

Successes & Challenges
So this weekend was Lutsen and Spirit Mt. opener, and since I really don't know a lot of girl snowboarders I go with my guy friends, there is maybe like 1 or 2 of them that actually care about the food that they eat.  The majority of them live off of Chinese take out, Ramen, and Jack's Pizzas.... pretty disgusting ha.  So me and 5 of my guy friends went up Friday night to Lutsen Mt.'s and had a little pre-season celebration in our condo, I think we went through about 4 frozen pizzas and 3 cases of beer.  Every weekend I spend with these guys I feel more and more like a man, and the shred season has only just begun.  It makes it really hard to follow my SMART goal when you're 
     a) low on groceries
     b) hanging out with people who eat REALLY unhealthy
     c) traveling
So I know over the weekend I had a couple slices of cheap pepperoni pizza, and then I had a venison burger on Sunday for dinner.


      I am disappointed in myself for not reaching my goal of eating no red meat for the week.  Although pertaining to the venison I feel okay about that.  For the future I would like to minimize "store bought meat" as much as possible, but stuff like venison and elk that has came from my family's hunting isn't necessarily unhealthy in moderation. 
What I Learned
How well I do when I at home or working, but then how all my previous ideas about how eating plans go out the window during the weekend and when I am traveling.

Plans for LIFE!
I may not be completely semi-vegetarian yet, and I may never be in my life.   But the more and more I learn about the negative effects of the cattle industry, the disadvantages of store bought red meat and how it effects health, the easier it has to become.  The more educated I become the more conscious the decisions are that I make about my food choices, and in turn feel more confident and healthy about what I am eating.  I am glad that I chose this SMART goal because it is something that I will continue for my entire life.

Pam :)
Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 10 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy.

Share and Voice: The 11th Hour

        This is the full length documentary released in 2007 was produced and narrated by Leonardo Dicaprio.  Global warming, deforestation, mass species extinction, and depletion of the oceans' habitats are all addressed. The film's premise is that the future of humanity is in jeopardy.
        The film proposes potential solutions to these problems by calling for restorative action by the reshaping and rethinking of global human activity through technology, social responsibility and conservation.

         I watched this video and found it very disturbing as well as eye opening.  I encourage anybody who sees this to watch it to!

"Global warming is not only the number one environmental challenge we face today, but one of the most important issues facing all of humanity ... We all have to do our part to raise awareness about global warming and the problems we as a people face in promoting a sustainable environmental future for our planet."
—Leonardo DiCaprio.
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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Share and Voice: Recycling Do's and Dont's

So sometimes when I am recycling I get a little confused at to what's acceptable and how clean things need to be, so I googled and came up with a few of these sites....

hope this is helpful to someone, it was for me!


Monday, December 7, 2009

Advocacy Project: Letter to a Public Official

December 7, 2009
Senator Amy Klobuchar
United States Senate
302 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2304

Senator Amy Klobuchar,

     Hello, my name is Pamela Schmitt, I currently reside in Duluth, MN and attend the University of Minnesota Duluth.  I am writing this letter in regards to a bill that was introduced last January.  H.R.439 is bill to amend the current Public Health Service Act.  Mainly in regards to pregnant and parenting woman who are dealing with substance abuse.  The goal of the amendment being to reduce substance abuse among these types of individuals.

      This bill would provide more funding and improve the system in which we care for and treat non violent drug abusers.  Mothers and pregnant women need a different kind of professional attention then others and providing this would create a higher success rate in recovery.  Not to mention a reduction in miscarriage, birth defects, depression, STD's, and negative effects on the children's life.  Over 9 million women use illegal drugs every year in the U.S. (NIDA, 2006) and by doing so they increase their chances of having unprotected sex, and conceiving under the influence.

      I believe the implementation of this policy will allow for a positive change in many American lives. This policy will provide appropriate actions to protect the health of women and their children. 
 Not to mention lower the use of illegal drugs and all of its pollution is causes in the lives of its abusers.  Minnesota is not immune to any of these problems and I would hope that you think about that if you do ever get to vote on this bill.  From all the implants we get and even 10th generation Minnesotan's, we are having problems with these problems,  Meth, Crack/Cocaine, and prescription medications are all destroying communities and homes in our great state.  

     So as one of the citizens who voted for you I would like to stress it one final time how important a bill like this is to society.  All of the people that voted for you entrust that you will do what is right to protect and improve society.  Please vote YES on H.R.439.

Thank you for your time.

Pamela Schmitt

(contact information)