Thursday, November 19, 2009

Reflections Post: Weeks 9 & 10

Week 9
On Monday of Week 9, we dida active learning, by dividing the class into 3 groups.  We eached described 3 different parts of advocacy.  Our main topics was reasons why people don't advocate, and easy was to do better than you are currently doing.  Then we got ants on a log again, no complaints from me! :)  We also had an Advocacy Project post due which include our personal elected officials from our hometown mayor, to the President of the U.S.A.
On Wednesday I did my week 6 of the Eco-Chic Lifestyle change. Which I did not fully achieve that week.
and Friday I did the 3rd Quarter Read n Seed, which went a lot better than my 2nd one!  I am starting to like the book more and more.

Week 10
Monday of this week I was sick!  I am still sick!, and I am sick of being sick!  I did not go to class, and have yet to meet up with Dr. V and discuss what I missed.
Wednesday and I posted my week 7 of the Eco Chic Lifestyle Change,  I achieved my goal for the week, because I have been eating nothing but vegetable and chicken type soups.

We are starting to near the end of the semester and it's going to be time to register for me next week!  I am sad that this class will be over.  Its a change to be in a lecture that is engaging!  I feel like I taking so  much knowledge away from this class, and it is stuff that I will actually be using throughout my life. Which is why I am considering a minor in Health Education.  I wish there was such a thing as a minor in Community Health.  Because as I was looking at the classes pertaining to the minor I don't really know how much they would tie in.  Like Sex Education, etc.  seems geared more towards people that are going to be teachers.  We will see, still have to meet with my adviser. But either way this class is truly changing my life for the better.  I wish they could make this type of thing a category that must be filled.  Honestly when I signed up for this class it was because it was a recommended as a lib. ed., it sounded interesting but I may have never heard of it before if it wasn't for my advisor.  I think the name should be like LIFE CHANGING CLASS 3500.  Just to make it more noticable when picking out classes :).

See you all Monday,


Very yummy red meat-free salad I had on Tuesday :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Eco Chic Lifestyle Change: Week Seven


My SMART goal for the past week of the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change project was:
"I will eat only 1 serving (1 serving=4 oz.) of red meat per week (seven days) or less"

Successes & Challenges
Since about last Tuesday I have been sick with some type of virus.  I think it is some type of badass cold, that is about to turn into a sinus infection if I don't take care of it.  I have absolutely no appetite and have been living off soup and ice cream, which are the only two things that make my throat feel better.  I've had chicken noodle, chicken rice, vegetable, southwest vegetable, country vegetable, BUT no red meat for an entire week is what I am proud to boast about!


Wish that I had a better reason for not eating red meat.  The fact that I have hardly been eating at all has a lot to do with the fact I achieved my goal.

What I Learned
Your body can go up to 6-8 weeks without food and survive, BUT a couple days without water and you're a goner.  I've probably been eating 600-800 calories a day, and drinking about a gallon and a half of water per day.

Plans for Next Week

For this upcoming week, I am keeping my SMART goal the same:
"I will eat only 1 serving (1 serving=4 oz.), or less, of red meat per week (7 days.)"

Hoping to feel better soon!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 7 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy

Monday, November 16, 2009

Advocacy Project:Healthy People/THOMAS

1. Healthy People 2010 Goal of Interest
I chose to do my advocacy project on the Substance Abuse

 GOAL: Reduce substance abuse to protect the health, safety, and quality of life for all, especially children.
for my objective I chose:
 26-6. Reduce the proportion of adolescents who report that they rode, during the previous 30 days, with a driver who had been drinking alcohol.
In 1999 33 percent of students in grades 9 through 12 reported riding during the previous 30 days with a driver who had been drinking alcoholWith a Healthy People 2010 goal of reducing the percentage of 9-12 graders who rode with a driver under the influence in the past 30 days of 30%, we have already achieved this goal.
Looking at the disparities, the White Non-Hispanic group had the best rate towards the goal.
Males had the better rates when it came to improving this.  The African American group had the most disparity towards the goal at 11-50%.

 Opputunities and Challenges:
A big known risk dealing with substance abuse is the chance of getting an STD.  The group with the highest rates of this are  With this being known, many states require a certain amount of their Substance Abuse prevention funding for HIV prevention, testing and counseling.
Emerging Issues:  The abuse of drugs and alcohol among young people is a never ending battle.  The party scene in college seems to get more and more lucrative every year.  Alcohol abuse as an adolescent is a major pre-cursor for it to occur later in life as well, and a lot is being done to tackle this problem before it starts.  Another problem America's youth faces is the famous Methamphetamines , especially the rural areas, the use seems to be going down in recent years.  Meth seem like the urban areas alternative to Oxycodone, Oxycontin and other prescription painkillers, that are like expensive heroine. Prescription drug abuse is on the rise in young people and seems to be the newest fad.


Title: To amend the Public Health Service Act regarding residential treatment programs for pregnant and parenting women, a program to reduce substance abuse among nonviolent offenders, and for other purposes.

Sponsor: Rep Rehberg, Denny [MT] (introduced 1/9/2009)      Cosponsors (1)

Latest Major Action: 1/9/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

Recommendation: Vote Yes to H.R. 439 to amend the PHSA.

My Political Representative: Jim Oberstar