Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Eco Chic Lifestyle Change: Week Seven


My SMART goal for the past week of the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change project was:
"I will eat only 1 serving (1 serving=4 oz.) of red meat per week (seven days) or less"

Successes & Challenges
Since about last Tuesday I have been sick with some type of virus.  I think it is some type of badass cold, that is about to turn into a sinus infection if I don't take care of it.  I have absolutely no appetite and have been living off soup and ice cream, which are the only two things that make my throat feel better.  I've had chicken noodle, chicken rice, vegetable, southwest vegetable, country vegetable, BUT no red meat for an entire week is what I am proud to boast about!


Wish that I had a better reason for not eating red meat.  The fact that I have hardly been eating at all has a lot to do with the fact I achieved my goal.

What I Learned
Your body can go up to 6-8 weeks without food and survive, BUT a couple days without water and you're a goner.  I've probably been eating 600-800 calories a day, and drinking about a gallon and a half of water per day.

Plans for Next Week

For this upcoming week, I am keeping my SMART goal the same:
"I will eat only 1 serving (1 serving=4 oz.), or less, of red meat per week (7 days.)"

Hoping to feel better soon!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 7 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy


  1. Hey, a success is a success no matter how you achieved it! Great job this week, but I do hope you feel better! Also, that ice cream looks soooo good!

  2. Living a green lifestyle is something we all need to do, but it is not enough. No amount of lifestyle change will solve global warming on its own. Let's not be Good Germans.

  3. great job on not eating the red meat!! there are plenty of reasons out there to not eat red meat, like in that one movie we watched, "1lb of burger equals 12lbs of grains" so its kind of a waste of resources...but I guess thats something we don't usually think about on a daily basis, I know I forget my reasoning all the time.
