Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Eco Chic Lifestyle Change: Week Eight


My SMART goal for the past week of the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change project was:
"I will eat only 1 serving (1 serving=4 oz.) of red meat per week (seven days) or less"

Successes & Challenges
For the last TWO weeks I have been sick.  I have almost absolutely no appetite and usually eat like two small meals a day.  This has been very good for my goal of eating one serving of red meat per week, because I hardly eat at all! But on Saturday me and my roommates had our second annual TURKEYPALOOZA, where we all get together and everyone brings a dish, and wine ;).  We play some music, all wear recycled clothing from Goodwill or Savers and hang out, eat, drink and have a great time.  So I had a small piece of ham on Saturday night, and that was my serving for the week.  The challenge for the upcoming week is going to be going home for ACTUAL Thanksgiving!


I would really love to NOT be sick anymore, so I went to the doc. and she just told me it will take awhile for my appetite to come back.  I have lost about 12 lbs. in the last 6 weeks, which isn't a very health rate.  But I fit into some jeans from high school which is a VERY good feeling.  It just seems to be coming easier and easier to not eat red meat.  Like the other day I was in the food court, and I was starving on my way to class.  I thought about grabbing some chicken strips, or a slice of pizza, and a milk or something.  But all the things we've been learning about meat, dairy and those things made me reconsider.  I got a V8, some pineapple, and almonds.

What I Learned
I don't need meat to feel full, and I can save a lot of calories and get a lot more nutrition from fruits, vegetables and grain most of the time.  I think I have lost weight due to the fact that I am making more conscious decisions about what I'm putting into my body. 

Plans for Next Week

For this upcoming week, I am keeping my SMART goal the same:
"I will eat only 1 serving (1 serving=4 oz.), or less, of red meat per week (7 days.)"

 My friend Skye, in her boyfriends new coat he found at Savers ;)


Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 8 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy


  1. You've been sick FOREVER Pam! I hope you get well here soon, especially for the holidays and finals! Great job meeting your goal!

  2. good work on your goal!! i'm getting to be the same way, some things that I used to love eating, just do not look the same to me anymore
