Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eco Chic Lifestyle Change: Week Nine

Gobble Gobble, Happy Thanksgiving (our turkey!)


My SMART goal for the past week of the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change project was:
"I will eat only 1 serving (1 serving=4 oz.) of red meat per week (seven days) or less"

Successes & Challenges
OH BOY!  Thankgiving= Epic Fail at my goal.  There was so much food at my family Thanksgiving it wasn't even funny.  I haven't been eating too much for the last few weeks (when I had the piggy flu.)  But now that I feel better, my appetite came back... big bummer, and I ate like a HORSE it was kind of disgusting actually.  I didn't eat breakfast on thanksgiving at we had a really late dinner to accommodate a few family members, so when 2 o'clock came around I was starving.  My aunt brought a ridiculous amount of H'orderves so cocktail weinies and meatballs, and dips and such were plentiful and I definitely over did it.  Then I had a piece of ham and turkey.  So my goal was not even close to being reached this week... :


I kinda feel like I didn't even try to not eat as much red meat, but I guess doing it like that a few times a year isn't too bad.  I don't really feel that guilty about it, but I would like to live a lifestyle in a more consistent way I guess.

What I Learned
When you're hungry you're hungry, and my family is not very understanding about my goal.  But when I explained it to my dad that I am just trying to eat processed store bought red meat he totally got it, then he told me i'm slowly turning into a "dred lock having, vegan, granola eating hippie."  Whatever I guess haha.

Plans for Next Week

For this upcoming week, I am changing my SMART goal to make up for the fail last week:
"I will not eat any red meat for the week (7 days.)"

Pam :)
Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 9 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy.


  1. I totallllly know what you mean, my goal failed as well...just barely haha, but yes my family also just doesn't get this whole goal business. my dad hunts, and got a deer this year so my mom just wouldnt accept that I'm trying not to eat red meat and venison IS in fact red meat. haha

  2. What your dad said is really funny! I think people think I'm a "granola" when I get talking about different things we've learned in this class! That's cool that you're using this next week to make up for your "epic fail" (haha) over Thanksgiving! Good Luck!
