Friday, October 16, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 2: First Quarter of "Exposed"

Well, I will start it off by saying I had no trouble findng my book!  Ha googled for an environmental book and this one had a lot of hits.  It was written by Mark Shapiro.  Mark has been an investigative journalist since before I was born!  He is a journalist for the Center of Investigative Reporting.  His whole career is based on searching out toxic things in everyday life.

The first 3 chapters of the book are mainly about our gov't and how we need to catch up to Europe and start banning certain chemicals.  One chapter is basically about how some of the biggest electonics companies in the U.S. are starting to adapt the the European Unions regulations on toxic chemicals.  Apparently the chemicals used in the a carcinogenic and dangerous when not disposed of properly.  So if we don't start to take those things out of our exports Europe will no longer purchase from us.  Asia is also on the green bandwagon by banning many chemicals and products.

Mark also attacks the U.S. Gov't stating that going green would not be bad for the economy.  Already proven by the European Union that going green creates jobs, adds to the market and is SAFE!  Comparing a European woman's cosmetic bag to someone in United states is completely differnt.  Certain cosmetics are also carcinogens and toxic.
So far he hasn't really gone into detail about any chemicals or certain products, but I think the first few chapters are giving a background for stuff.  So hopefully in the upcoming ones I can learn all about stuff I shouldn't be using!



  1. so true! I wish U.S. would hop on that green bandwagon as well. Its scary how many chemicals we allow in our products. Your book sounds really informative! I'm curious to hear what horrible products you will be learning about :(

  2. Truly, Europe is way greener than we are! I hate that the only reason our companies decide to go green is so we can keep exporting to Europe. When will our decisions not be solely based on money and business and start revolving around our health and the health of our planet? Sounds like an interesting book...I'm a little nervous to hear about the cosmetics though. To think I could be putting carcinogenic stuff on my face everyday...terrifying. :|
