Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Eco Chic Lifestyle Change: Week Two

So I've gone through one week with almost no red meat! YEY! ha I'm not gonna lie it has been a little challenging.  Most people think of red meat as just like steak and bacon.  But this week I've had to turn down pepperoni pizza, chili, ham and cheese omellette, pork egg rolls.  So many common foods have red meat in them!  The eye opener this week made me feel so much better about my SMART goal though.  Taking the food tour just showed me how detrimental red meat is to our world, and how it is effecting our environment, especially cattle!

Eating at school definitely sucks!  With all the different hot options like spaghetti, hamburgers, pizza.  But I have been eating so much healthier, and also saving a lot of calories, and fat from the foods I choose to eat instead.  One thing I am concerned about is Iron.  I need to make sure I am getting enough Iron in my diet so find the vegetables that come packed with it will be a good project for this week.
My Red Meat choice of the week!:
For my serving last week I had tator tot hot dish.  We hadn't turned heat on and my roommate made it in the oven.  So good, and sooooooo worth it!
Haven't decided what I'm gonna have this upcoming week, maybe none at all(but probably some pizza! :))

See you all monday!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy.


  1. Warm dishes in the fall and winter are extra special!

  2. Sounds like you're doing pretty well on your goal so far! I really didn't think of all those foods you mentioned that contain red meat, that's gotta be tough! The food choices at school are so limited the way it is, I bet it cuts out quite a few more of them when you're not eating red meat :( bummer, but it sounds like you're doing awesome!

  3. good job on turning down those foods! I also forgot about all those dishes that have red meat.. but you can always use ground turkey! I have started making my hot dishes and chili with ground turkey and it tastes no different to me, it sounds weird but its not bad at all. AND chicken pizza is a tasty option as well :)at least we have those!
